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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sacrifice of God

I decided to make this special Easter collection, because I feel that the christian part of the Easter holidays is very often forgotten between all the bunnies and eggs. Now I don´t have anything against bunnies and eggs, don´t get me wrong here, I just want to add some christian input into the scrapbooking society for Easter as well :)
I have called this collection " Sacrifice of God " for all of us who wish to remember that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.
The collection is divided into two parts and can be downloaded separately.
Enjoy, and happy Easter to you all.

Download Link:

Download Link:


Lois B said...

Thank you so much. It is so hard to find anything related to being Christian for Easter. I too don't have nothing against the bunny and eggs (we have our egg hunt after Easter Brunch) but like CHristmas, the true meaning of these celebrations seem to get lost.

I started to make cards for our 7 grandkids the other day and all I could find was bunnies, chicks and eggs. I wanted them to have a card that showed the real meaning of Easter. Now you have given me some pieces to work with.

Thanks again

Terebene said...

Thank you so much for such a beautiful Christian kit. It means so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making a Christian related kit. Not only does the Christian relevance of Easter often get lost, but I also like to make prayer books throughout the year. Again, thank you for this wonderful kit.