I have been surfing around on the internet looking for other digital scrapbooking blogs to link to, and would also like others to put a link to my blog on their site. I have e-mailed some designers and I am looking forward to hearing back from them. I really hope that my blog in time will grow into a well visited one, where people from all around the world can enjoy my freebies. I have been very grateful myself for all the designers out there who share their work for free, and feel that now it´s time for me to start giving a little back to the scrapbooking society ;)
I am still a newbie though, and I have a long way to go. There are loads of nifty effects I would like to be able to create, that I haven´t really figured out yet, but I´m still learning :)
I am sucking in all the info I can find on making great stuff for you all, so hopefully some of it will stick, LOL!!! I have been watching loads of tutorial videos lately and my head is starting to feel a little woozy by all the information :) So now I need to spend a little more time trying some of the methods out that I learned, and see what i can come up with in the meantime ;)
Until next time, enjoy the freebies that I already put out there for you.
HUGZ from Spirran